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Helpful Tips for New Moms

Helpful Tips for New Moms

By Leslie Vandever

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These days, it seems like new mothers have the world—almost literally—at their fingertips. Between the Internet, cable TV, smartphones and tablets, just about any question you might have about caring for your new baby can be answered in moments. Being a super-mom is a breeze.

 Isn’t it?

What the slick websites often gloss over as they shout about the five best baby foods, the perfect diaper/laptop/baby carrier, the latest fashions for the well-dressed 9-month-old, and baby’s first smartphone is you. Mom. You’re not even used to being called “mom,” yet, let alone feel like you’ve got it all under control.

So if you’re feeling a little low, a little let-down and you’re singing the blues, well, don’t worry. You’re normal.

The high estrogen and progesterone levels your body ramped up and maintained during your pregnancy are no longer needed, so they’re dropping rapidly back to normal. These hormones can play havoc with your mood. Being happy, then sad, then tearful, then angry and then happy again in the same 15-minute-stretch is normal.

Tip 1: Remember you’re only human. Your body is changing again. It can’t help but stir up your emotions. It will get better.

After the baby is born, your internal organs suddenly have all kinds of space in there again. Your stomach isn’t squashed up against your lungs, no one is kicking your liver or elbowing your spleen, and your intestines are slipping back into their spacious old nest below your belly-button. Your whole body is reverting back, as much as it can, to its pre-pregnancy shape. You can almost hear it saying “ahhh.”

Tip 2: Forgive yourself if you’re not feeling great. Change is never comfortable.

Since you came home with the baby, you haven’t slept more than a couple of hours at a stretch. There’s always something to do: feed her, burp her, clean her up, rock her to sleep, put her in her crib. Then the laundry needs to be done, and that supper isn’t going to cook itself. And then the baby will cry, and you’ll change her diaper. Then she’ll be hungry, so you’ll feed her, and… and… and.

Tip 3: Don’t be embarrassed to ask a relative or friend for help, even if it’s just for an hour or so now and then. During your hour or so off, you’re only allowed to care for yourself. Get a manicure. Take a long nap. Read a book, or go out for a coffee with a friend. Do anything, but do it for you.

 When you read about motherhood on the Internet or see moms on television and in movies, it seems like they’re so good at the whole thing. They don’t want to cry when the baby cries. They’re always patient and gentle. Their babies look like perfect little bundles of happiness. So what’s up with you? Are you a sub-par mom, or what?

Tip 4: Keep it real. You’re doing just fine at motherhood. Remember the baby didn’t come with a manual, and you’re learning on the job. Remember to give yourself credit for every single thing you do right.

You keep telling yourself you’re doing just fine, but down inside you’re feeling worthless or guilty. It seems like the “baby blues” ought to be over by now, but they’re not. In fact, they’re getting worse.

Tip 5: If you’re feeling low and depressed, and the feeling isn’t going away or getting better, talk to someone. Talk to your partner, or a relative, a friend or your pastor. Or call your family doctor and let her know how you’re feeling. She can help you get back on track.


For more information about your health, click here.

Leslie Vandever is a professional journalist and freelance writer. She also writes a blog about living well with rheumatoid arthritis called RheumaBlog, under the pen-name “Wren.” In her spare time, Vandever enjoys cooking, reading and working on the Great American Novel.


Entering the Promised Land

And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight. Numbers 13:33

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Many times people want to remind you of who you used to be and what you use to do when in all reality your past is not who you are now, especially if you have accepted Christ into your life.

When God was leading the Israelites (who were slaves in Egypt) into the promised land, they had went to survey the land which GOD was about to give them. Many of them came back fearful, not on the bases of what they saw, but of how they saw themselves.

Christ Transforms us in a way that He creates a new thing, we are a NEW CREATION. You can either continue to see yourself on the basis of who you used to be or understand that your GOD goes before you and has instilled within you, GREATNESS.

Don’t be pushed by your past be lead by your dreams.

I’m sure you’ve seen this phrase floating around some where on the net. Sometimes the fear of our past can push us where we don’t want to go. You are more than what the Crowd is or says you are, you are more than your past. You have the strength that All Mighty GOD has given you through the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

You are more powerful than you can ever imagine.

As you go through this week, Face your fears. No matter what they are because they are based on your past not on your present, nor how Great your GOD is. You are stronger, smarter and more talented than what your past can ever say about you.

Rise up with Faith and you will see GOD open new dimensions in your life. ♥

Be Blessed!

Hosanna in the Highest!!!

For His Love & Glory,

Top 5 Fab Fabrics of the Week! Storms.

Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. Psalm 107:28-30

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Ahhh… The inevitable storms of life.

Storms come and go, one thing we know for certain is that we all go through them. No one has a special “get out of storm” card.

It’s through the storms of life that builds and molds us. That actually let’s us see who we really are and what we truly believe.

This is what God calls ‘The testing of our hearts’

Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Psalm 139:23

I think the most beautiful thing about going through the Storm, is knowing that ALMIGHTY GOD is right there with you allowing you to go through the storm so you know when you are weak, He is made strong.

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This is just a reminder that sometimes what we deem hindrances can actually be blessings indisgusie. To many times we want whats convenient and whats perfect.

Storms remind us of the ever changing weather we call our lives.

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We’re not perfect and niether is our lives. God is perfect right in our imperfectness. We try so hard to keep up with the trends, with what others are or not doing with “reality” tv. When in truth we should concentrate more on our own lives and those around us.

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Have you ever heard of the Perfect Storm, I’m sure you’ve seen the movie with George Clooney with a tiny boat and a massive sea.

In retrospect that’s life. We’re on this boat called FAITH. And the raging seas and storms of life seem to challenge this boat. But this boat has a Captain and a Crew.

When we’re overly concerned about how massive the wave is or the Storm that is hitting us at the moment we can get lost and be overwhelmed. We can forget those around us and be crushed by the pressure, but when we look to the one who calms the seas, who calms our hearts we are given the opportunity of just seeing how small we are compared to HOW GREAT our GOD is.

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This weeks inspiration on fabrics are the Storms that seem big but actually are small compared to how AWESOME our GOD is. Stay in faith and you will see that no matter what you go through GOD’s strength always shines through. You will make it and you can do all things through Christ who gives you Strength. Don’t ever doubt the Power that GOD has and the LOVE HE has for you. He is Worthy, Faithful and will not ever leave you.

Thank you Jesus for Calming the seas. ♥

Be Blessed!

Hosanna in the Highest!!!

For His Love & Glory,

Pep talk! Trusting God.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ Mark 12:30
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Do you love God?

We all can be afraid of the storms…

But do you understand the depth of love He has for you?

In the bible it says we should all be like children to enter the kingdom of heaven.

It wasn’t until I, myself was blessed with my own son that this registered with me.

I saw my son fearless because he knew I was there for him. He’s comfortable in doing anything because he knows I’m there for him.

I see his love for me in his confidence in me and that just bonds us all the more.

We can say ‘I love you’ but how can we display it to an all knowing, All powerful God?

When we let go of the illusion of control and start truly trusting God we will find our relationship with Him grow that much more.

Loving God is as easy as trusting Him.

Today as you go on through this week Know that GOD, creator of the Heavens and Earth Loves YOU! So why not put your trust and Confidence in Jesus.

Trust HIM.

When things seem unfair, when you can’t see whats in front of you and your past seems to be chasing you.


The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8

Hosanna in the Highest!!!

Video of the Day: I am the Lord your GOD

For His Love & Glory,